Hii 🙂
Things I’ve been up to lately: work, fitness, thinking, reading, writing, dating (trying to), conversations, life.
This came up today and I’m pondering it. It’s an excerpt from this book I’m reading by Francis Chan called Multiply.
“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith” (Heb. 13:7). The author of Hebrews actually called us to consider—literally, ‘to examine carefully’—the outcome of a teacher’s lifestyle.” (pg. 47).
Sure, this is in the realm of faith. But whatever you do or don’t believe, isn’t this something that we should consider?
First it challenged me from a position of integrity. If I am speaking on something, am I practicing it? Noting discrepancies . . . is it because I have an espoused value, or because I am out of alignment?
And then secondly in terms of people I look up to. It’s taken me far too long to identify and really start to dig into who I consider a role model and why. Asking questions like, who do I admire? And why? have been little clues to help me expose patterns of character.
And with that thought, there are two distinct things that come up for me right away.
I admire individuals with the courage to live seemingly multiple lives. They take the leap and go at it, experiencing different worlds. Maybe at one point they worked in a factory, then they were a banker, then a writer, then a welder.. whatever. I know some of these people and have read stories of them weaving together a beautiful life. They are fascinating and full of shocking things to say. Makes me think, “a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
I also deeply admire individuals that have given everything to a specific craft. A single & focused pursuit toward mastery.
A common thread here is a zeal for life and an inkling to do what sets their soul on fire, direction or not. They invite the glory of success and burn of a setback into their lives. They are fully alive, take ownership, love and I am sure get hurt. Both people embrace the newness-to-mastery cycle because the nature of what it takes to start over, or to always improve.
Anyways, I’m not going to proof this, it’s random, and that is all.
Hope you’re having a great day!