Purpose > Fun

Someone asked me the other day if Olympic lifting is always fun for me. 

The short answer is no, and the newness of W1D1 is long gone. However, I enjoy it most of the time and fully recognize that I have a strong mindset centered on “getting” to do these amazing things with my body.

But the longer I sat with the question the more clear my roots got. 

I prioritize fitness because I value the physical, mental and emotional strength it builds. Right now my focus is Olympic weightlifting, but regardless of what the patterns are I will forever engage in a form of movement. 

The second piece is that when I choose to do add something into my life it’s not on the principle of fun. I choose things because of the value they bring to my life. Is there immense joy and love along the way? Certainly. I wouldn’t do it if I hated it. But purpose and commitment outlasts fun and motivation any day of the year. 

And, fun is not a prerequisite for love and joy. Love looks like support and care, AND love looks like commitment, responsibility and accountability to someone or something. It’s not fleeting. It’s a choice, and I love the work.

So do I always have fun? No. Is it mostly fun? Yes. Will I engage in fitness and the pursuit of my life objectives either way? Bet.


Author: gabrielle.lk